Activity Venues
Student Lockers
Student Lockers
Application Procedure
Rental Period & Fee
Rules and Regulations Governing the Use of Student Lockers
FAQ for New Users of Student Lockers
Big Character Poster Wall
Application Forms
Adverse Weather
Rental Period & Fee
Locker Rental Period
  1. Undergraduate and Postgraduate* students: from 1 Sept or thereafter till 30 June of the following year.
  2. Exchange students: for the exchange period at the university.
All student locker rentals will EXPIRE on 30 June. You must CLEAR your locker on or before the expiry date. After this date, a charge of $80 would be levied. Dean of Students' Office will have full discretion to dispose all items left in the lockers, or take any items for recycle sale and use the sale proceeds on equipment for student activities. 

A locker rental will be terminated if the locker user is no longer a registered student of the University, or if any misuse of the locker is found. 
Locker Fee 
The fee should be paid on-line during application. Locker fee paid is non-refundable.
  1. Undergraduate students: HK$50/rental period
  2. Postgraduate* students: HK$150/rental period
  3. Exchange-in students: HK$50/rental period
*TPG students admitted in Spring Term may apply for locker on term basis.
Rental Period: Spring Term (1 Feb to 30 June) or Fall Term (1 Aug to 31 Dec)
Locker Fee: $75 per term