Student Activities
Student Activities
Why get involved when school work is already demanding so much of your time? Because there is much more to university life than just studying! There are friendships to nurture and interests to cultivate. There is also much to learn about creativity, leadership and teamwork – all of which are important to your personal growth and enrichment.

A wide variety of programs and activities that you can join to pursue your interests and broaden your horizons in HKUST. Stay tune with the email announcements (like “Student Support & Activities Weekly News” on Tuesdays, daily “HKUST Event Calendar”), HKUST Engage, notice boards on campus, or student organizations’ social media platforms. 

Student Organizations
At HKUST, there are more than 100 student organizations that cater to various interests of students, including sports, community service, arts and culture, and academic affairs. They organize activities all year round to welcome new students, social gatherings for members, competitions, festivals, performances, etc.
More about the registered student organisations can be found HERE.
Reach out to them, join their activities, become a member or an officer bearer of the society/group appealing to you.

Student Advising
If you can’t find what you like, you are most welcome to initiate a new activity or form a new student society/group. We have Student Enrichment Activities Support (SEAS) Scheme to support individual students who want to initiate activities. Important information to facilitate student activity planning is available HERE.
Forming a new student society/group may require longer time and more considerations. You are recommended to prepare a proposal and seek advice from the Student Support & Activities Team.

Student Support & Activities Team
Contact us through the followings during office hours:
Telephone: 2358 6662
Address: LG3005, Student Support & Activities Counter (via Lift 3 or 6), Indoor Sports Complex, Clear Water Bay Campus, HKUST
Office hours: Mon to Fri, 0900-1245, 1400-1730, except public holidays