Guidelines for Handling Underage Students
It is acknowledged that there are students who join the University under the age of 18 (“underage students”) as the University mainly considers an applicant’s academic ability and potential to succeed rather than age when assessing their suitability for a program of study.

The University has a duty to take reasonable care in respect of all its students, and underage students may require a higher level of care. In particular, students under the age of 16 at the commencement of their program of study at the University may require additional support for their transition to university life. Under appropriate circumstances, the University will give due consideration and take necessary measures in handling the affairs of underage students but the University will not act in loco parentis (i.e., not assuming parental responsibility), while the responsibility resides with the parents/legal guardians.

The purpose of this guideline is to provide the operational guidelines for admission, teaching, accommodation, access, privacy, exchange and risk prevention for underage students. Click here for the complete guideline and respective consent form to be completed and signed by parent/ legal guardian. (Please open the consent form with your web browser and save your input by printing as pdf.)