Leadership Challenge
*The next round of the program will be in Fall 2024*

The Leadership Challenge: Liberate the Leader in You 
Instructor:  Rufina Wong, Dean of Students’ Office 
Fees:  $800 to be FULLY subsidized by the DSTO.  If you cannot complete the program in full due to legitimate reasons supported by proof (illness or an exam conflict), DSTO reserves the right to charge you HK$800.

Financial Support for Participation in Co-curricular Programs: Participants of Leadership Challenge can apply for the Mrs Choi Ma Oi Kuen Students’ Holistic Development Scheme to receive a subsidy, with priority given to Tertiary Student Finance Scheme (TSFS) government grant & loan recipients:

 TSFS grant awarded   Subsidy amount
 >50% of grant  HK$1,500
 <=50% of grant    HK$750 

To apply for the Scheme, make a separate online application. Sucessful applicants will receive the subsidy upon satisfactory completion of the program.



 Rm 4334, Academic Building (Lift 3)​​