Schedule & Registration
Our Work
Our In-house Therapy Dogs
About Comfort Paws
We are grateful to the Dr. Edgar Shih & Family Fund for their generous support of our program. Their commitment and contribution have made a significant difference in our community, and we are honored to have them as our partner. Thank you for your support.


We honour all therapy dogs that have served us and our community since 2019!

Coffee & Coco

Coffee and Coco have moved to Canada with their family. Since then, they’ve been experiencing lots of new things – whether it’s playing in snow, wearing shoes, or seeing wild bunnies!

We remember the twin brothers for their quirky dynamic, Coco being the quietly attentive one while Coffee made mad dashes to catch the ball whenever he could. They brought many students joy, even when they needed an afternoon nap after running out of energy so fast (as small dogs do)!


Shadow’s handler has left Hong Kong, so while she’s still a certified therapy dog she will not be serving HKUST students on campus. Perhaps you’ll bump into her in somewhere in Hong Kong!

Shadow loves staying cool and lying down to keep herself well-rested. Mellow, big and relatively quiet, she would welcome lots of students to pet her while she’s lying down. Students remember how calm and relaxing it felt to be with her presence.


Gohan now resides in Singapore with his family.

He’s remembered at HKUST for being a canny and witty dog that could read human emotions. Being a highly verbal dog, maybe some can still remember his voice resounding in our rooms!


In Memoriam

Romeo has passed away, but we remember him and his service to the HKUST community fondly.

We remember him as one of the most gentle dogs we have seen, especially with children. He loved to eat, and students were delighted to come by to hug his chubby body. Romeo will always have a special place in our hearts.