In case of Emergency |
In the event of an emergency, you should remain as calm as possible. Report the case and seek help when necessary.
Important Phone Numbers
The HKUST Security Control Center (SCC) is manned 24 hours.
Report all campus emergency to the SCC at extension 2358-8999 or 2358-6565.
When reporting emergencies, please stay calm and give the following information:
Location of the accident/emergency
The nature and severity of the incident, e.g. how many persons are injured, how serious is the injury, extent of property damage, any chemical spilled, gas leakage etc.
Your name, location and contact phone number
For enquiry of security matter: 2358-6565
For enquiry of general safety matters: 2358-6512
Emergency Procedures
You are encouraged to read through the following procedures to prepare yourself for any unforeseen emergency situations so as to minimize personal injury and property damage. |
Staying calm is essential in cases of fire. Here are suggested actions in different scenario:
On Discovering a Fire:
Raise the alarm by pressing the nearest break glass point (if the alarm has not yet been activated) and alert people nearby by shouting "FIRE".
Call the Campus Security Control Center emergency number 2358 8999 (on direct line) and/or 8999 (on PABX line). State clearly the location of the fire.
Don't take any personal risk. You may attempt to extinguish the fire by using suitable firefighting equipment nearby only if you have learnt how to use the equipment and when the situation is safe for you to do so. Make sure that your escape route will not be impeded by the fire.
If the fire gets out of your control, close the door and leave the area by following the evacuation procedure under (C) below.
On Hearing the Fire Alarm:
In the Residential / Apartments Halls:
In the Academic and Administration Building:
Stay calm and check if there are any signs of fire at the vicinity.
If a fire is discovered or if you are told by your lecturer or hear the P/A announcement asking you to evacuate, leave the building immediately by following the evacuation procedure under (C) below.
If no signs of a fire at the vicinity is found, stay alert and pay attention to any P/A announcement until the fire alarm is silenced.
Evacuate in case the alarm has sounded for more than two minutes.
Evacuation Procedure:
Evacuate the building by the nearest available staircase/exit. DO NOT use the lifts.
Do not bring anything.
Be considerate: walk in an orderly manner, do not run.
Go to the nearest assembly areas when you leave the building. Do not return the building until clearance is given by a Fire Services Department Officer in charge of the scene.
Caught in Smoke
If you are caught in smoke on your way out, crawl to escape.
DO NOT try to run through smoke. If you encounter smoke, turn back and escape through an alternate escape route.
If you cannot get out of the room and are trapped by a smoke-filled corridor:
Close the door.
Open the windows.
Close the windows when fire and smoke are coming from outside the windows, and remove all combustible materials around the windows.
Fill up bathtubs, basins, or buckets with water (if available) for firefighting purpose (if necessary).
Seal the gaps around the door with sheets or clothes, wet the sheets or cloths (if water is available).
Put a wet cloth (if available) around your nose and mouth if there is smoke in your room.
Sit by the window, call and signal for help.
DO NOT jump.
Clothing on Fire
DO NOT run. Drop and lie down on the floor immediately.
Roll on the floor with hands covering your face to extinguish the fire.
DO NOT attempt to run for water or a fire extinguisher.
If fire blanket is available, wrap around the body to help smother the fire.
Fire Safety
Get to know the fire escape procedure, fire escape routes and assembly points. If you have queries, ASK.
Regular fire drills are conducted to familiarize students with proper fire evacuation procedures. For your own life safety, you MUST cooperate and participate in the drills.
Fire services installation such as detectors, sprinklers are there to protect your life from fire. DO NOT interfere with these installations or impede their proper functioning.
Fire doors are there to control fire and smoke spread. DO NOT hold open fire doors.
If you are living in a student hall, DO NOT smoke in the rooms. DO NOT cook in areas other than the pantries or kitchens. DO NOT overload the power supply in your room by plugging too many electrical appliances to the wall socket. DO NOT use sub-standard electrical equipment or appliances.
For further information on emergency procedures during a fire, click here to refer to the General Fire Emergency Procedures of the HKUST Safety and Environmental Protection Manual (Chapter 3, Appendix 3B).
When someone is injured or ill ...
Remember -- Many accidents are preventable. Observe safety rules, follow instructions and exercise care when you are learning, studying or playing, such as:
wear safety goggles/glasses in laboratories.
follow instructions in the use of machineries and refer to Engineering Safety of the HKUST Safety and Environmental Protection Manual (Chapter 5).
observe safety rules when playing sports.
Call Security Control Center (SCC) by dialling 2358 8999 (on direct line) or 8999 (on PABX line).
Call for Community Emergency Service directly by dialling 999 (on direct line) or 9999 (on PABX line) if the situation is urgent or serious and inform SCC subsequently.
DO NOT conduct rescue operation unless you know for sure how to perform a proper rescue or you know the situation is safe. Careless rescue operation may endanger the rescuers when, for example, the victim is inside a room filled with toxic gas, or is still in contact with live electricity.
DO NOT move an injured person, especially when there are signs of spinal injury or bone fracture, unless it is absolutely necessary to do so for safety reason.
Keep the injured or ill person comfortable, warm, and lying down.
Give First aid treatment if necessary and if you know how to do it.
Acid and alkali burns -- flush with running water; use emergency shower if necessary. Do not attempt to neutralize the chemical on the wound.
Heat or cold burns -- flush with cold water.
Chemical in eyes -- flush eyes with emergency eyewash.
Major bleeding -- apply direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth to stop bleeding.
Toxic gas inhalation -- expose to fresh air.
Hydrofluoric acid exposure -- use antidote immediately.
Cyanide exposure -- use antidote immediately.
Report the incident/accident to HSEO >>.
We hope these will not happen on our campus. In case they do, take note of the procedures listed below.
The person(s) involved or anyone witnessing the incident, or both, should report the case to a guard on duty or the Campus Security Control Center either in person or by phone 2358 8999.
In reporting a case, the following information usually needs to be provided:
name(s) and address(es) of person(s) reporting the incidents
exact date, time and location where the incident took place
full particulars of the incident
description of suspect(s)
property stolen and/or damaged etc
injury (if any) done to victim(s)
For trivial crimes like theft of book or other personal belongs in areas with well identified management staff like in a residential hall, canteen or sports facilities, it will be useful to report these cases to the staff managing these facilities in the first instance.
Financial Assistance
Students may come across unforeseen financial emergencies and tragic events that may disrupt their studies.
If you are a local student with financial hardship due to sudden or catastrophic event, you may approach Scholarships and Financial Aid Office (SFAO) and apply for the University Financial Assistance (Tel: 2358 6663 or email ). Means-tested review and interview will be arranged on case-by-case basis.
If you are a non-local student with emergency needs, you may approach SFAO for advice, and if find suitable, you may be advised to apply for the means-tested University Financial Assistance for Non-local Students (Tel: 2358 6697 or email An interview will be arranged upon receiving the case.