Statements / Clarifications
Category A
Category B
Category C
Category D
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Category E
2. Pouring of Milk Tea Incident (Oct 2, 2019)

During an incident related to the student-initiated boycott of LG1 Maxim’s on campus, a non-local student was surrounded by a group of boycott supporters. This student's friend felt that his friend was being bullied, and deliberately poured milk tea onto a member of the group. Consequently, a dispute broke out, which required intervention and mediation by DSTO staff. All parties involved agreed in a joint meeting on Oct 8, 2019 that the case would be settled via proper apology and by cleaning of the stained clothing. Both parties were satisfied with the final resolution and the case was closed after the cleaned items of clothing were collected by their respective owners. 


Repeated claims were made on social media accusing the University of not properly handling the case. SU issued a Facebook post on Apr 13, 2020, claiming that the University had released the student who poured the milk tea, and was actively helping the Police arrest a local student in connection to another case. 


The allegation that the University mishandled the incident is false. The dispute was settled through mediation by staff and consent by all the parties concerned. The student who poured the milk tea had apologized and paid for the cleaning fee of the clothes, and the apology was subsequently accepted.  The University had not initiated nor actively helped the Police to arrest a student.